книги Книги на иностранных языках Альбомы по искусству

Russian Country Estates

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Аннотация к книге "Russian Country Estates"

One has only to say "the Russian country estate" and the following picture arises in one's mind: wrought-iron fence lattice; collapsed stone entrance arch; overgrown alleys; deserted pavilions and summerhouses; the manor, where the steps and whisperings of former dwellers seem to be heard. It is as if we visualize the Larin house from Pushkin's famous novel in verses, a "gentry's nest" from Turgenev's novel and "the splendid muzzles on the age-old gates" from Marina Tsvetaeva's poem. Thanks...

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Издательство: Аванта+
Серия: Самые красивые и знаменитые
Дата выхода: июнь 2008
ISBN: 978-5-98986-170-5
Объём: 184 страниц
Масса: 1170 г
Размеры(высота, ширина), см: 29 x 25
Обложка: твёрдая
Бумага: мелованная
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