The Entertainment Marketing Revolution: Bringing the Moguls, the...
Next-generation marketing in the $500 billion global entertainment marketplace. Marketing every form of entertainment: film to print, music to travel, electronic games to theme parks Spinoffs, licensing, and beyond: creating properties that keep on paying Cutting through the 3,000 marketing messages your customer will see today The real effects of new technology: from piracy to e-books, TiVo to digital overlays Print after the Web: next-generation marketing for books, newspapers, and magazines The independents: new studios, new networks, new players, new media There\'s still no business like show business: only show business is more gigantic, more fast-paced, more fickle, and more insanely competitive than ever...
ISBN: 0-13-029350-4
Prentice Hall Computer Books
Дата выхода: июнь 2002