Python Cookbook. На английском языке

Alex Martelli David Ascher

The Design of the Book
The Implementation of the Book
A Note About Licenses
Further Reading
Conventions Used in This Book
How to Contact Us

Chapter 1. Python Shortcuts
Section 1.1. Introduction
Section 1.2. Swapping Values WithoutUsing a Temporary Variable
Section 1.3. Constructing a Dictionary Without Excessive Quoting
Section 1.4. Getting a Value from a Dictionary
Section 1.5. Adding an Entry to a Dictionary
Section 1.6. Associating Multiple Values with Each Key in a Dictionary
Section 1.7. Dispatching Using a Dictionary
Section 1.8. Collecting a Bunch of Named Items
Section 1.9. Finding the Intersection of Two Dictionaries
Section 1.10. Assigning and Testing with One Statement
Section 1.11. Using List Comprehensions Instead of map and filter
Section 1.12. Unzipping Simple List-Like Objects
Section 1.13. Flattening a Nested Sequence
Section 1.14. Looping in Parallel over Index and Sequence Items
Section 1.15. Looping Through Multiple Lists
Section 1.16. Spanning a Range Defined by Floats
Section 1.17. Transposing Two-Dimensional Arrays
Section 1.18. Creating Lists of Lists Without Sharing References

Chapter 2. Searching and Sorting
Section 2.1. Introduction
Section 2.2. Sorting a Dictionary
Section 2.3. Processing Selected Pairs of Structured Data Efficiently
Section 2.4. Sorting While Guaranteeing Sort Stability
Section 2.5. Sorting by One Field, Then by Another
Section 2.6. Looking for Items in a Sorted Sequence Using Binary Search
Section 2.7. Sorting a List of Objects by an Attribute of the Objects
Section 2.8. Sorting by Item or by Attribute
Section 2.9. Selecting Random Elements from a List Without Repetition
Section 2.10. Performing Frequent Membership Tests on a Sequence
Section 2.11. Finding the Deep Index of an Item in an Embedded Sequence
Section 2.12. Showing Off Quicksort in Three Lines
Section 2.13. Sorting Objects Using SQL\'s ORDER BY Syntax

Chapter 3. Text
Section 3.1. Introduction
Section 3.2. Processing a String One Character at a Time
Section 3.3. Testing if an Object Is String-Like
Section 3.4. Aligning Strings
Section 3.5. Trimming Space from the Ends of a String
Section 3.6. Combining Strings
Section 3.7. Checking Whether a String Contains a Set of Characters
Section 3.8. Filtering a String for a Set of Characters
Section 3.9. Controlling Case
Section 3.10. Reversing a String by Words or Characters
Section 3.11. Accessing Substrings
Section 3.12. Changing the Indentation of a Multiline String
Section 3.13. Testing Whether a String Represents an Integer
Section 3.14. Expanding and Compressing Tabs
Section 3.15. Replacing Multiple Patterns in a Single Pass
Section 3.16. Converting Between Different Naming Conventions
Section 3.17. Converting Between Characters and Values
Section 3.18. Converting Between Unicode and Plain Strings
Section 3.19. Printing Unicode Characters to Standard Output
Section 3.20. Dispatching Based on Pattern Matches
Section 3.21. Evaluating Code Inside Strings
Section 3.22. Replacing Python Code with the Results of Executing That Code
Section 3.23. Module: Yet Another Python Templating Utility (YAPTU)
Section 3.24. Module: Roman Numerals

Chapter 4. Files
Section 4.1. Introduction
Section 4.2. Reading from a File
Section 4.3. Writing to a File
Section 4.4. Searching and Replacing Text in a File
Section 4.5. Reading a Particular Line from a File
Section 4.6. Retrieving a Line at Random from a File of Unknown Size
Section 4.7. Counting Lines in a File
Section 4.8. Processing Every Word in a File
Section 4.9. Reading a Text File by Paragraphs
Section 4.10. Reading Lines with Continuation Characters
Section 4.11. Reading Data from ZIP Files
Section 4.12. Reading INI Configuration Files
Section 4.13. Sending Binary Data to Standard Output Under Windows
Section 4.14. Using Random-Access Input/Output
Section 4.15. Updating a Random-Access File
Section 4.16. Splitting a Path into All of Its Parts
Section 4.17. Treating Pathnames as Objects
Section 4.18. Creating Directories Including Necessary Parent Directories
Section 4.19. Walking Directory Trees
Section 4.20. Swapping One File Extension for Another Throughout a Directory Tree
Section 4.21. Finding a File Given an Arbitrary Search Path
Section 4.22. Finding a File on the Python Search Path
Section 4.23. Dynamically Changing the Python Search Path
Section 4.24. Computing Directory Sizes in a Cross-Platform Way
Section 4.25. File Locking Using a Cross-Platform API
Section 4.26. Versioning Filenames
Section 4.27. Module: Versioned Backups

Chapter 5. Object-Oriented Programming
Section 5.1. Introduction
Section 5.2. Overriding a Built-In Method
Section 5.3. Getting All Members of a Class Hierarchy
Section 5.4. Calling a Superclass _ _init_ _ Method if It Exists
Section 5.5. Calling a Superclass Implementation of a Method
Section 5.6. Implementing Properties
Section 5.7. Implementing Static Methods
Section 5.8. Implementing Class Methods
Section 5.9. Delegating Automatically as an Alternative to Inheritance
Section 5.10. Decorating an Object with Print-Like Methods
Section 5.11. Checking if an Object Has Necessary Attributes
Section 5.12. Making a Fast Copy of an Object
Section 5.13. Adding Methods to a Class at Runtime
Section 5.14. Modifying the Class Hierarchy of an Instance
Section 5.15. Keeping References to Bound Methods Without Inhibiting Garbage Collection
Section 5.16. Defining Constants
Section 5.17. Managing Options
Section 5.18. Implementing a Set Class
Section 5.19. Implementing a Ring Buffer
Section 5.20. Implementing a Collection
Section 5.21. Delegating Messages to Multiple Objects
Section 5.22. Implementing the Singleton Design Pattern
Section 5.23. Avoiding the Singleton Design Pattern with the Borg Idiom
Section 5.24. Implementing the Null Object Design Pattern

Chapter 6. Threads, Processes, and Synchronization
Section 6.1. Introduction
Section 6.2. Storing Per-Thread Information
Section 6.3. Terminating a Thread
Section 6.4. Allowing Multithreaded Read Access While Maintaining a Write Lock
Section 6.5. Running Functions in the Future
Section 6.6. Synchronizing All Methods in an Object
Section 6.7. Capturing the Output and Error Streams from a Unix Shell Command
Section 6.8. Forking a Daemon Process on Unix
Section 6.9. Determining if Another Instance of a Script Is Already Running in Windows
Section 6.10. Processing Windows Messages Using MsgWaitForMultipleObjects

Chapter 7. System Administration
Section 7.1. Introduction
Section 7.2. Running a Command Repeatedly
Section 7.3. Generating Random Passwords
Section 7.4. Generating Non-Totally Random Passwords
Section 7.5. Checking the Status of a Unix Network Interface
Section 7.6. Calculating Apache Hits per IP Address
Section 7.7. Calculating the Rate of Client Cache Hits on Apache
Section 7.8. Manipulating the Environment on Windows NT/2000/XP
Section 7.9. Checking and Modifying the Set of Tasks Windows Automatically Runs at Logon
Section 7.10. Examining the Microsoft Windows Registry for a List of Name Server Addresses
Section 7.11. Getting Information About the Current User on Windows NT/2000
Section 7.12. Getting the Windows Service Name from Its Long Name
Section 7.13. Manipulating Windows Services
Section 7.14. Impersonating Principals on Windows
Section 7.15. Changing a Windows NT Password Using ADSI
Section 7.16. Working with Windows Scripting Host (WSH) from Python
Section 7.17. Displaying Decoded Hotkeys for Shortcuts in Windows

Chapter 8. Databases and Persistence
Section 8.1. Introduction
Section 8.2. Serializing Data Using the marshal Module
Section 8.3. Serializing Data Using the pickle and cPickle Modules
Section 8.4. Using the cPickle Module on Classes and Instances
Section 8.5. Mutating Objects with shelve
Section 8.6. Accesssing a MySQL Database
Section 8.7. Storing a BLOB in a MySQL Database
Section 8.8. Storing a BLOB in a PostgreSQL Database
Section 8.9. Generating a Dictionary Mapping from Field Names to Column Numbers
Section 8.10. Using dtuple for Flexible Access to Query Results
Section 8.11. Pretty-Printing the Contents of Database Cursors
Section 8.12. Establishing Database Connections Lazily
Section 8.13. Accessing a JDBC Database from a Jython Servlet
Section 8.14. Module: jet2sql—Creating a SQL DDL from an Access Database

Chapter 9. User Interfaces
Section 9.1. Introduction
Section 9.2. Avoiding lambda in Writing Callback Functions
Section 9.3. Creating Menus with Tkinter
Section 9.4. Creating Dialog Boxes with Tkinter
Section 9.5. Supporting Multiple Values per Row in a Tkinter Listbox
Section 9.6. Embedding Inline GIFs Using Tkinter
Section 9.7. Combining Tkinter and Asynchronous I/O with Threads
Section 9.8. Using a wxPython Notebook with Panels
Section 9.9. Giving the User Unobtrusive Feedback During Data Entry with Qt
Section 9.10. Building GUI Solutions Independent of the Specific GUI Toolkit
Section 9.11. Creating Color Scales
Section 9.12. Using Publish/Subscribe Broadcasting to Loosen the Coupling Between GUI and Business Logic Systems
Section 9.13. Module: Building GTK GUIs Interactively

Chapter 10. Network Programming
Section 10.1. Introduction
Section 10.2. Writing a TCP Client
Section 10.3. Writing a TCP Server
Section 10.4. Passing Messages with Socket Datagrams
Section 10.5. Finding Your Own Name and Address
Section 10.6. Converting IP Addresses
Section 10.7. Grabbing a Document from the Web
Section 10.8. Being an FTP Client
Section 10.9. Sending HTML Mail
Section 10.10. Sending Multipart MIME Email
Section 10.11. Bundling Files in a MIME Message
Section 10.12. Unpacking a Multipart MIME Message
Section 10.13. Module: PyHeartBeat—Detecting Inactive Computers
Section 10.14. Module: Interactive POP3 Mailbox Inspector
Section 10.15. Module: Watching for New IMAP Mail Using a GUI

Chapter 11. Web Programming
Section 11.1. Introduction
Section 11.2. Testing Whether CGI Is Working
Section 11.3. Writing a CGI Script
Section 11.4. Using a Simple Dictionary for CGI Parameters
Section 11.5. Handling URLs Within a CGI Script
Section 11.6. Resuming the HTTP Download of a File
Section 11.7. Stripping Dangerous Tags and Javascript from HTML
Section 11.8. Running a Servlet with Jython
Section 11.9. Accessing Netscape Cookie Information
Section 11.10. Finding an Internet Explorer Cookie
Section 11.11. Module: Fetching Latitude/Longitude Data from the Web

Chapter 12. Processing XML
Section 12.1. Introduction
Section 12.2. Checking XML Well-Formedness
Section 12.3. Counting Tags in a Document
Section 12.4. Extracting Text from an XML Document
Section 12.5. Transforming an XML Document Using XSLT
Section 12.6. Transforming an XML Document Using Python
Section 12.7. Parsing an XML File with xml.parsers.expat
Section 12.8. Converting Ad-Hoc Text into XML Markup
Section 12.9. Normalizing an XML Document
Section 12.10. Controlling XSLT Stylesheet Loading
Section 12.11. Autodetecting XML Encoding
Section 12.12. Module: XML Lexing (Shallow Parsing)
Section 12.13. Module: Converting a List of Equal-Length Lists into XML

Chapter 13. Distributed Programming
Section 13.1. Introduction
Section 13.2. Making an XML-RPC Method Call
Section 13.3. Serving XML-RPC Requests
Section 13.4. Using XML-RPC with Medusa
Section 13.5. Writing a Web Service That Supports Both XML-RPC and SOAP
Section 13.6. Implementing a CORBA Client and Server
Section 13.7. Performing Remote Logins Using telnetlib
Section 13.8. Using Publish/Subscribe in a Distributed Middleware Architecture
Section 13.9. Using Request/Reply in a Distributed Middleware Architecture

Chapter 14. Debugging and Testing
Section 14.1. Introduction
Section 14.2. Reloading All Loaded Modules
Section 14.3. Tracing Expressions and Comments in Debug Mode
Section 14.4. Wrapping Tracebacks in HTML
Section 14.5. Getting More Information from Tracebacks
Section 14.6. Starting the Debugger Automatically After an Uncaught Exception
Section 14.7. Logging and Tracing Across Platforms
Section 14.8. Determining the Name of the Current Function
Section 14.9. Introspecting the Call Stack with Older Versions of Python
Section 14.10. Debugging the Garbage-Collection Process
Section 14.11. Tracking Instances of Particular Classes

Chapter 15. Programs About Programs
Section 15.1. Introduction
Section 15.2. Colorizing Python Source Using the Built-in Tokenizer
Section 15.3. Importing a Dynamically Generated Module
Section 15.4. Importing from a Module Whose Name Is Determined at Runtime
Section 15.5. Importing Modules with Automatic End-of-Line Conversions
Section 15.6. Simulating Enumerations in Python
Section 15.7. Modifying Methods in Place
Section 15.8. Associating Parameters with a Function (Currying)
Section 15.9. Composing Functions
Section 15.10. Adding Functionality to a Class
Section 15.11. Adding a Method to a Class Instance at Runtime
Section 15.12. Defining a Custom Metaclass to Control Class Behavior
Section 15.13. Module: Allowing the Python Profiler to Profile C Modules

Chapter 16. Extending and Embedding
Section 16.1. Introduction
Section 16.2. Implementing a Simple Extension Type
Section 16.3. Translating a Python Sequence into a C Array with the PySequence_Fast Protocol
Section 16.4. Accessing a Python Sequence Item-by-Item with the Iterator Protocol
Section 16.5. Returning None from a Python-Callable C Function
Section 16.6. Coding the Methods of a Python Class in C
Section 16.7. Implementing C Function Callbacks to a Python Function
Section 16.8. Debugging Dynamically Loaded C Extensions with gdb
Section 16.9. Debugging Memory Problems
Section 16.10. Using SWIG-Generated Modules in a Multithreaded Environment

Chapter 17. Algorithms
Section 17.1. Introduction
Section 17.2. Testing if a Variable Is Defined
Section 17.3. Evaluating Predicate Tests Across Sequences
Section 17.4. Removing Duplicates from a Sequence
Section 17.5. Removing Duplicates from a Sequence While Maintaining Sequence Order
Section 17.6. Simulating the Ternary Operator in Python
Section 17.7. Counting Items and Sorting by Incidence (Histograms)
Section 17.8. Memoizing (Caching) the Return Values of Functions
Section 17.9. Looking Up Words by Sound Similarity
Section 17.10. Computing Factorials with lambda
Section 17.11. Generating the Fibonacci Sequence
Section 17.12. Wrapping an Unbounded Iterator to Restrict Its Output
Section 17.13. Operating on Iterators
Section 17.14. Rolling Dice
Section 17.15. Implementing a First-In First-Out Container
Section 17.16. Modeling a Priority Queue
Section 17.17. Converting Numbers to Rationals via Farey Fractions
Section 17.18. Evaluating a Polynomial
Section 17.19. Module: Finding the Convex Hull of a Set of 2D Points
Section 17.20. Module: Parsing a String into a Date/Time Object Portably

Chapter 16. List of Contributors
Section 18.1. A
Section 18.2. B
Section 18.3. C
Section 18.4. D
Section 18.5. F
Section 18.6. G
Section 18.7. H
Section 18.8. J
Section 18.9. K
Section 18.10. L
Section 18.11. M
Section 18.12. N
Section 18.13. P
Section 18.14. Q
Section 18.15. R
Section 18.16. S
Section 18.17. T
Section 18.18. U
Section 18.19. V
Section 18.20. W
Section 18.21. Y
Section 18.22. Z
