Barron’s is today and always has been the Number-One reference source for verb usage in virtually every major language. Leading all competition, the best selling 501 French Verbs beats all less well-established rivals with its brand-new 6th edition. It’s printed in two colors, it features tinted page edges for ease of reference, and it comes with extra help for French language students in the form of a CD-ROM. The book presents the most important and most commonly used French verbs arranged...
Barron’s is today and always has been the Number-One reference source for verb usage in virtually every major language. Leading all competition, the best selling 501 French Verbs beats all less well-established rivals with its brand-new 6th edition. It’s printed in two colors, it features tinted page edges for ease of reference, and it comes with extra help for French language students in the form of a CD-ROM. The book presents the most important and most commonly used French verbs arranged alphabetically with English translations in chart form, one verb per page, and conjugated in all persons and tenses, both active and passive. The accompanying CD-ROM gives students practice exercises in verb conjugation plus a concise grammar review. This combined book and software package is a comprehensive guide to French verb usage with a wealth of reference material and language tips, including a bilingual list of more than 1,250 additional French verbs, helpful expressions and idioms for travelers, and verb drills and short tests with all questions answered and explained. Learning French is Twice as Easy with This Helpful 2-in-1 Combination! The easy-to-use reference book gives you: - The most common French verbs, one verb per page, conjugated in all tenses - Common idioms and example sentences demonstrating verb usage - Verbs conjugated with avoir or tre to form a compound tense - Over 2,600 additional regular verbs conjugated like model verbs among the 501 - Index of common irregular French verb forms identified by their infinitive - A summary of sequence of verb and much more The bonus CD-ROM gives you: - Sentence completion exercises — fill in the correct word - Dialogue exercises—fill in the appropriate response - Word completion exercises—find the correct verb form - Word seek exercises—find the right word to fit the phrase - Matching with English—find correct translations in the right-hand column - Correct answers given for all exercises
Перед вами наш седьмой самоучитель для начинающих устных переводчиков. Он представляет собой сборник из 7 новых упражнений для развития навыков последовательного и синхронного перевода. Авторы не теоретики, поэтому никакой теории в самоучителе нет. Есть краткие описания приемов и сотни примеров, чтобы вы смогли эти приемы освоить.
Книга Эдуарда Кочергина — главного художника Академического большого драматического театра им. Г. А. Товстоногова — сразу после первой публикации в 2003 году обратила на себя пристальное внимание критики, стала настоящей сенсацией в литературной жизни и была отмечена Царскосельской художественной премией. Об авторе заговорили как об одном из лучших мастеров современной прозы. В 2010 году Кочергин стал...
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