книги Дом, семья, хобби, спорт Физкультура и спорт

Backlash. A Compendium of Lore and Lies (Mostly Lies) Concerning Hunting, Fishing and the Out of Doors

Код 3624525

  • ISBN: 9781927360071
  • 162 страницы
  • январь 2011

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Аннотация к книге "Backlash. A Compendium of Lore and Lies (Mostly Lies) Concerning Hunting, Fishing and the Out of Doors"

BACKLASH is a collection of 35 hunting and fishing stories originally appearing on the back pages of outdoor sports magazines. The book is an essential addition to the library of all hunters and fishermen who have developed the ability to read. It explains to duck hunters how they can convince a skeptical wife to pluck ducks. Upland bird hunters will learn how to dispose of the bodies of dead woodcock and the sportsman`s program for resolving the Near East Israel - Palestinian crisis has...

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Дата выхода: январь 2011
ISBN: 9781927360071
Объём: 162 страниц

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