книги Наука, техника, медицина Медицина Профессиональная литература Стоматология

Biochemistry of the connective tissue. Biochemistry of mixed saliva. Tutorial

Код 5017027

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Склад в Москве

Ожидаемое поступление (если вы сделаете заказ прямо сейчас): 20.03.2025; планируемая отправка: 21.03.2025

Склад в С.-Петербурге

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Аннотация к книге "Biochemistry of the connective tissue. Biochemistry of mixed saliva. Tutorial"

This tutorial contains information about the connective tissue chemical structure and metabolism, as well as the oral fl uid chemical composition and functions. The book reviews the issues of dental caries and periodontal diseases pathogenesis. The manual consists of two parts and includes clinical cases. The tutorial is designed for students of specialty "Dentistry" studying biochemistry in English. The book was prepared in accordance with the curriculum approved by the Educational Board of the Faculty of Dentistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

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Издательство: ГЭОТАР-Медиа
Дата выхода: май 2019
ISBN: 978-5-9704-4972-1
Объём: 128 страниц
Масса: 220 г
Обложка: мягкая

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