This title presents a phonic-based approach to reading - using letter sounds and blends. It introduces letter formation and letter-sound recognition to help pre-school children get a head-start on classroom skills. It includes: over 35 lively and interactive activities to help develop important skills needed for reading; 60 gold stars to reward and encourage; and, 30 fantastic coloured stickers and badges. It is written by former teacher and current children`s non-fiction author Louisa...
This title presents a phonic-based approach to reading - using letter sounds and blends. It introduces letter formation and letter-sound recognition to help pre-school children get a head-start on classroom skills. It includes: over 35 lively and interactive activities to help develop important skills needed for reading; 60 gold stars to reward and encourage; and, 30 fantastic coloured stickers and badges. It is written by former teacher and current children`s non-fiction author Louisa Somerville, with expert teacher and consultant, David Smith. Teachers may photocopy pages free of charge for classroom use. These Phonics books have been specially devised to give children preparing for their first years at school a real head start. Children will learn all about the alphabet, starting with letter formation, basic blending and letter-sound recognition. The activities are designed to stimulate children and demonstrate basic concepts that will be developed in the classroom. The material can be photocopied by parents and teachers to use again and again.
В книге "Пернатые многоженцы" в популярной форме рассказывается о поведении птиц, связанном со всеми явлениями их брачной жизни - ухаживании, пении, спаривании, изменах и разводах. На примерах многих видов из разных систематических групп птиц на всех континентах описываются различные формы брака - моногамия и полигамия, колониальное и кооперативное размножение. Рассказывается о демонстративном...
С позиции пользователя рассмотрена работа в популярной операционной системе Ubuntu Linux, в том числе установка и настройка системы, драйверов для работы с принтерами, сканерами и другим периферийным оборудованием. Описан процесс установки программ и настройка подключения к Интернету. Даны советы по использованию графического режима и командной строки. Описаны системные службы Ubuntu Linux, освещены...
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