Painter, designer, creator of bizarre objects, author and film maker, Dal became the most famous of the Surrealists. Buuel, Lorca, Picasso and Breton all had a great influence on his career. Dal\'s film, An Andalusian Dog, produced with Buuel, marked his official entry into the tightly-knit group of Parisian Surrealists, where he met Gala, the woman who became his lifelong companion and his source of inspiration. But his relationship soon deteriorated until his final rift with Andr Breton in...
Painter, designer, creator of bizarre objects, author and film maker, Dal became the most famous of the Surrealists. Buuel, Lorca, Picasso and Breton all had a great influence on his career. Dal\'s film, An Andalusian Dog, produced with Buuel, marked his official entry into the tightly-knit group of Parisian Surrealists, where he met Gala, the woman who became his lifelong companion and his source of inspiration. But his relationship soon deteriorated until his final rift with Andr Breton in 1939. Nevertheless Dal\'s art remained surrealist in its philosophy and expression and a prime example of his freshness, humour and exploration of the subconscious mind. Throughout his life, Dal was a genius at self-promotion, creating and maintaining his reputation as a mythical figure.
TypeScript – это и язык, и набор инструментов для генерации кода JavaScript. Он был разработан Андерсом Хейлсбергом в корпорации Microsoft, чтобы помочь разработчикам в написании кода JavaScript в масштабах предприятия. Книга начинается со знакомства с языком TypeScript, и, поэтапно переходит от базовых понятий к продвинутым и мощным функциям языка, включая методы асинхронного программирования, декораторы и обобщения....
Перед вами книга американского баскетбольного тренера Тима Гровера, который прославился благодаря работе с такими легендами NBA, как Майкл Джордан, Коби Брайант и Дуэйн Уэйд. "Манифест великого тренера" - откровения Гровера, его секреты и приемы работы с высокопоставленными спортивными клиентами. В своих мемуарах автор рассказывает, как необходимо себя вести в стрессовых ситуациях, когда на кону не...
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