книги Компьютеры и Интернет Устройство компьютера, “железо”

Decentralized Object Location and Routing

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Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. In computer science, Decentralized Object Location and Routing (DOLR) is a scalable, location-independent routing technology . It uses location-independent names, or aliases, for each node in the network, and it is an example of peer-to-peer networking that uses a structured-overlay system called Tapestry. It was designed to facilitate large internet applications with...

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Издательство: Книга по требованию
Дата выхода: июль 2011
ISBN: 978-6-1332-2978-5
Объём: 96 страниц
Масса: 166 г
Размеры(высота, ширина, толщина), см: 23 x 16 x 1

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