книги Электронные книги Художественная литература Поэзия

Happy Note

Код 4806482

  • 457 кб
  • апрель 2017
  • Clever
  • 16+

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Аннотация к книге "Happy Note"

In the book of poems of the well-known Ural poetess V. Molodovskaya, the poet’s book contains her poems about love: deep and real feelings that stand the test of life’s trials and time. A love note is required in the chord of human happiness. Without it, the music of life is dry! The author writes about love, for am sure that this topic is relevant at all times. It is like a vaccination against cynicism and devaluation of feelings in our overly rationalistic age. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

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Возрастное ограничение: 16+
Издательство: Clever
Правообладатель: Интернациональный Союз Писателей
Дата выхода: апрель 2017
Размер файла: 457 Кб
Поставщик контента: ООО «ЛитРес»

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