книги Наука, техника, медицина Гуманитарные науки Общественные науки Социология Общая и теоретическая социология Социальные конфликты

Ideal Commonwealths, Plutarch`s Lycurgus, More`s Utopia, Bacon`s New Atlantis, Campanella`s City of the Sun, Hall`s Mundus Alter Et Idem

Код 3610033

  • ISBN: 9781612031132
  • 154 страницы
  • январь 2011

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Аннотация к книге "Ideal Commonwealths, Plutarch`s Lycurgus, More`s Utopia, Bacon`s New Atlantis, Campanella`s City of the Sun, Hall`s Mundus Alter Et Idem"

Ideal Commonwealths is comprised of five writings on the ideal civilization including politics and social programs. Inspired by the philosophy of Plato and Socrates and often viewed as satirical, each essay each essay portrays an ideal form of human existence. Life of Lycurgus by Plutarch is a biography of Lycurgus, the legendary lawgiver of Sparta, who established the military-oriented reformation of Spartan society. All his reforms were directed towards the three Spartan virtues: equality,...

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Дата выхода: январь 2011
ISBN: 9781612031132
Объём: 154 страниц

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