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The Chronicles of Major Peabody. The Questionable Adventures of a Wily Spendthrift, a Politically Incorrect Curmudgeon, an Unprincipled Wagerer and an Obsessive Bird Hunter

Код 3624456

  • ISBN: 9781926585185
  • 192 страницы
  • январь 2009

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Аннотация к книге "The Chronicles of Major Peabody. The Questionable Adventures of a Wily Spendthrift, a Politically Incorrect Curmudgeon, an Unprincipled Wagerer and an Obsessive Bird Hunter"

Major Nathaniel Peabody, USA (ret.) first saw the light of day in December of 1987 in Vol. 1, Issue 1 of the Shooting Sportsman magazine. Since that date, he has lived on the back page of every issue of that magazine.
Peabody is a consummate waterfowl and upland bird hunter. Excepting those times when his profligacy assumes more than usual proportions, a well-endowed Spendthrift Trust allows him to hunt wherever he wants and whenever he wants. He has left his boot prints from...

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Дата выхода: январь 2009
ISBN: 9781926585185
Объём: 192 страниц

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