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The House of Pride = Храм гордыни: на англ.яз

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Jack London was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he became one of the first writers, who gained worldwide fame and a large fortune. This collection contains six amazing short stories like "Koolau the Leper", "Good-bye, Jack", "Aloha Oe" and "The House of Pride" itself. For anyone interested in Hawaii history and culture, these stories are excellent.

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Издательство: Т8
Серия: Top100 Classic Books
Дата выхода: сентябрь 2018
ISBN: 978-5-521-08120-2
Масса: 151 г

Книга находится в категориях

Пятница 2018

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