книги Книги на иностранных языках Английский Художественная литература

The Lion

Код 2485461

  • ISBN: 978-0-7515-3883-0
  • 496 страниц
  • сентябрь 2012
  • Orion Publishers

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Аннотация к книге "The Lion"

`Have a safe jump, Mr Corey`. Detective John Corey is floating to earth, his skydiver`s parachute billowing above him. His wife, FBI agent Kate Mayfield, is mere metres away, beneath a chute of her own. And clinging to Kate in midair, aiming a knife at her throat and a Glock at Corey, is the most dangerous man alive: Asad Khalik, code name The Lion - infamous terrorist, ice-blooded assassin, and Corey`s greatest nemesis. `I promised you I would return, Corey`... It`s been three years since...

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Издательство: Orion Publishers
Дата выхода: сентябрь 2012
ISBN: 978-0-7515-3883-0
Объём: 496 страниц
Обложка: мягкая

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