книги Художественная литература Проза Зарубежная проза Сборники, альманахи

The Treasure Punt

Код 3623352

  • ISBN: 9781920590475
  • 198 страниц
  • январь 2013

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Аннотация к книге "The Treasure Punt"

The Treasure Punt is a delightfully-written and illustrated book in which corporate storyteller and human resources strategist Peter Christie uses the anecdotal form to bring home some important lessons for those on both sides of the job market: recruiters and people looking to be recruited. Christie`s central metaphor is that of a pirate Captain (Captain Black-bug), representing a leader of a company, who sails the seven seas on his ship (The Bountiful), looking for treasure. Along the way...

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Дата выхода: январь 2013
ISBN: 9781920590475
Объём: 198 страниц

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