ЭТА КНИГА ДЛЯ ВСЕХ. В отличие от других книг здесь приводятся только РЕАЛЬНЫЕ СВЕДЕНИЯ о феноменальных возможностях человеческой психики, методы тренировок известных феноменов, технические приемы ВОЛЬФА МЕССИНГА, приемы мысленного воздействия, апробированные в ходе исследований известными учеными ВАСИЛЬЕВЫМ Л.Л., КАТКОВЫМ К.Д., КАЖИНСКИМ Б.Б., ПЛАТОНОВЫМ К.И., известным дрессировщиком ДУРОВЫМ В.Л. и...
Доктор наук Билл Куэйн, разделил правила, о которых вы будете читать, на две категории - 10 правил, которые необходимо нарушить, и 10 правил, которые необходимо принять. Давайте взглянем на то, что вы узнаете в каждой из этих категорий. 10 правил нарушить - В первой части книги автор призывает вас нарушить 10 правил, которые мы обычно соблюдаем, о которых все мы слышали или говорили всю свою жизнь. Все эти старые...
Одним из основных факторов, предопределяющих жизненный успех человека, является наличие у него сильной воли. Однако лишь немногие люди обладают высокими волевыми качествами с дня рождения, большинству из тех кто хочет достичь успеха в жизни, приходится их развивать и тренировать. О том, какими методами, способами, упражнениями следует развивать волю, начиная с самого простого и заканчивая сложной...
Современная наука разработала достаточное количество энергетических и психологических практик, которые помогают защитить себя от чужеродного влияния, прессинга, и тем самым сохранить себя. В нашем издании читателя ожидают советы практикующего психолога о том, как весьма несложными приемами любой из нас сможет защитить самого себя. Иногда вам поможет простая улыбка, которая удержит собеседника на...
Сексолог Грэхем Мастертон интерпретирует самые распространенные эротические фантазии, опираясь на глубокие исследования природы сновидений и их символизм. Автор расскажет, как опыт других людей может помочь вам разгадать собственные сны, правильно истолковать их значение. И, осознав скрытые сексуальные желания, улучшить свою жизнь.
Что представляет собой ВТО, точно не знает никто. Люди, пережившие это состояние, говорят, что им казалось, будто сознание буквально покинуло тело и парило поблизости, наблюдая сверху, или, воспарив сквозь крышу, путешествовало по всей Земле. Согласно некоторым сообщениям, "путешественники вне тела" могут воспринимать информацию об удаленных событиях и влиять на поведение людей или животных, находящихся...
This is a book about the unlimited possibilities of forgiving, of setting love free, purity of soul, warmth of soul and blessing of soul. Автор серии книг, специалист с многолетним опытом в области медицинских и духовных практик, рассказывает о разработанном ею учении. Суть его состоит в том, что, научившись правильно думать и прощать себя в самом широком смысле, человек обретает здоровье, счастье и душевный покой. Опираясь на опыт врача-практика, Л. Виилма...
Astonishing secret can also affect the lives of those who think they never dream! This book is dynamite! Its revelation is astounding! But it is not a revelation to the wealthy and powerful members of esoteric societies! The author, an initiate of several esoteric lodges, declares ACTIVE DREAMING as the single most important technique in all magick! For years he tested this on himself and his students, before making it public in this book! ASTONISHING CONTENTS INCLUDE: – Reshaping your body and appearance! – Hidden control of others' thoughts and actions! – Extension of life span! – Power over the sources of money! – Dramatically improved health. End of disease! – Attainment of anything you want! But how can any of these...
Consciousness and Immortality: Spiritual Knowledge for Managing Our Destiny in the Afterlife of Eternity. This book describes the anatomical layers of the human mind. Modern neuroscience and psychology define consciousness in terms of the physical brain. As a result, materialistic science has no information to give us about our mind and personality in the afterlife of eternity. You will find a very different approach in this book, which is based on theistic psychology. Using simple to understand diagrams, charts, and exercises, the book explains the full development of the immortal human personality from birth to the afterlife of eternity. The physical brain is temporary and then dies, while the mind and personality are spiritual and...
Цена книги 500 руб. Для того, что бы купить ее, напиши мне в личку в вк. https://vk.com/elgringoesp В кругах заик известен как Кровос. Заика со стажем 20 лет. 2 года исследовал заикание. Вел дневник на основе которого написал книгу. Вывел несколько элитных уловок избавления от ступоров и заикания и одну полную схему исцеления. То о чем мы все мечтали, стать обычными людьми. Полностью исцелился от заикания и...
The Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born is not like any other body book you've ever read. It's about functioning with your body from the perspective of beingness. It explores how you, as an infinite being, can experience greatness with your body. "What if your body were an ongoing source of joy? " This book may go against everything you've ever thought, everything you've been taught and everything you've read; and everything you have brought that everyone else believes. It doesn't claim to give you all the answers. Instead it will encourage you to ask the questions that will allow you to enjoy the body you currently have and to create your body so that you can truly enjoy it.
Traditionally, the Witch's arsenal of magical power has always included the ability to influence others from a distance, blessing, cursing and placing a glamour or the Evil Eye on someone in order to reward, punish or control them in some way. Many of these techniques have been lost, though we can see their descendants in the techniques of mesmerism, faith healing and stage hypnotism. As part of his exploration of Visceral Magick, Author and Witch Peter Paddon has rediscovered techniques and exercises that enable the practitioner to use gestures, gaze and energy connections to influence others from across a room, or in some cases around the world. In this book, Peter describes the underlying theories and philosophies (drawing on the...
Learn to use the power of your subconscious mind to work magick. The subconscious mind is explored in this book which gives you the power to talk to your subconscious and use this to work magick to alter the world around you.
The book that ALMOST never got published. Certainly one of the most controversial books on the mind ever, this book takes the hidden, secret, and even denied "mind control" secrets one step further and puts the technology in the hands of the individual. YES - IT IS POSSIBLE TO PLANT "FALSE MEMORIES" IN YOUR OWN MIND! And these memories are "REAL" memories - indistinguishable from any other memories. If you are reading this, then you already KNOW the earth-shattering implications of this.
MAGIC IS CONSCIOUSNESS AT WORK In "MAGIC. You ARE It. Be It. " Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer share processes, tools and points of view that you can use to create consciousness and magic- and change your life in ways you may not even be able to imagine. Magic is about the fun of having the things you desire. In a larger way, magic is about consciousness - not the addendum TO your life, it's consciousness AS your life. You can function from consciousness every moment you're alive. When you do, your life becomes truly magical and there's nothing you can't generate. What are the infinite possibilities? What else is possible? "Magic is all around us, it's something we all generate. What would it take to think differently about the universe,...
The entire experience of your life is represented and happens in THOUGHT. You cannot experience the past, except through THOUGHT. You cannot experience the future except through THOUGHT. And you are experiencing the now through your judgements and evaluations. that is, of course the THOUGHTS you are having. This is very important. Read on. Most people have maybe a dozen or so TRULY positive thoughts all day (if they're lucky). This adds up to a pretty mediocre life. But what if you could have hundreds, thousands, or even HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of positive thoughts every day? How do you think this would affect your life and your very existence. AUTOSUGGESTION CAN DO THIS, AND MUCH MUCH MORE. CHAPTERS INCLUDE: THE HISTORY OF AUTOSUGGESTION...
The classic five-volume set with a sixth volume - the index compiled by the Gurdjieff Society of Washington, D. C. PSYCHOLOGICAL COMMENTARIES have their own special value that a more polished writing would not have retained, for they are concerned with the immediate processes of applying certain deep ideas in daily life.
The following are extracts from Mr Crouch's introduction in the book, edited to fit this advertisement: 'The power of mind is electrical by nature and can be scientifically measured with instruments. I Call it "Mentation". 'I have encountered those who could make flowers bloom in less than five minutes. 'I have seen people crippled made whole by Mentation. 'I have met and talked with men and women who could cause the phone to ring and what is perhaps more wonderful, I have seen these people command that a certain person (who was named by me) call happen through Mentation. 'This power is avaiable to all. It is the Secret of a Lifetime.
Издание в 2 томах. Том 1. В данной книге Пилот излагает свою версию истории существования человека как духовного существа. Формулирует основные идеи и приводит обзор методик процессинга. Критически разбирает существующую схему саентологических уровней, предлагает и обосновывает свой вариант основных шагов процессинга. Приводит взвешенный анализ наследия саентологии. Том 2. В главе VII приводятся...
The limitless power of the Cosmos now at your command. Learn and manipulate the secrets of ESP... DOWSING... PSYCHO-KINETICS... PERSONAL MAGNETISM... BIO-ENERGY... MIND CONTROL... AURIC SIGHT. Simplified and made easy, for practical and immediate use! Effects seen within minutes! Staggering as it may seem, you are at this moment surrounded by a limitless, invisible expanse of MIND POWER! Mystics have always believed that Mind - conscious energy - exists in everything. There is a universal power flowing through all creation - even rocks and stones! You can now use the universal power - with little effort - to fill your life with power and riches you never imagined possible! By knowing how to use this consciousness you need never want for...
You have "on your shoulders" something of incalculable value and power. More complex and powerful than the most advanced man-man computer, the fabulous wealth in your head is capable of achieving anything you want of it. It is a scientific fact that the average person uses less than 10% of his/her total mind power potential. THIS BOOK SHOWS HOW TO TAP THE UNUSED 90% OF YOUR MIND TO MAKE YOU AN IRRESISTIBLE MAGNET TO ALL THE GOOD THINGS THAT YOU DESIRE IN LIFE. You have at your command, right now, a power that can literally flood your life with riches, solve problems, pay debts, bring romance, win respect of people, and many other things. To make this power work you only have to learn basic mental techniques, which, once mastered, can...
An end to worries! An end to despair! Goodbye to struggling! Never want for happiness and prosperity! ‘Inner Mind truly is irresistible! ' declares author Brian O'Connor. ‘Nothing can resist its force, once you access it! ' According to Mr O'Connor, this power is available to all – simply waiting to be accessed! The ‘Inner Mind' is the hidden mental dimension – a ‘second consciousness', far more potent than the ‘first consciousness' that we are aware of! It is there waiting for us to use – and it can work wonders for us, day in, day out, declares the author! There are no difficult exercises to learn. No rituals! You only need the will and the desire to have Inner Mind work for you! THIS IS THE MOST NATURAL POWER AT YOUR...
The famous Irish writer James Joyce was once asked, pointedly, “What did you do during the war?” As an Irishman, he was neutral and so answered, “I wrote Ulysses, what did you do?” In the same way, one day this question will be very common: “What were you doing during the coronavirus epidemic?” I already know my answer to this question – like James Joyce, I was fervently finishing my book. At the beginning, the book was supposed to be about business, the path to financial freedom. It seemed to me that people need that – simple ways to make money and learn how to earn. And while a book like that will be definitely written, for now my partner and my publisher said the same thing, “First write about leadership. This...